Thursday, 4 September 2008

Release: NavBot rev. H

The rumours are true: there's a new version of NavBot out, and it's better than ever! Michael Mitchell has been quietly taking apart, improving and putting NavBot back together and the results are impressive. Changes include:
  • Tax and the accountancy skill are now, um, accounted for in the profit calculations
  • Security routes are now calculated correctly! No more being told there's a high-sec route that leads through low-sec space...
  • NavBot will now fill your hold with multiple items of different kinds, opening up some nice extra profit-making opportunities that others are missing.
  • Much, much more!
Download NavBot rev. H and head on over to the project site to let us know what you think of the latest version!

And, as always, happy trading!

Sunday, 20 April 2008

Release: NavBot rev. G

Hi everyone! For your trading pleasure, we announce the newly-released NavBot rev. G!

Changes include:
  • Trinity maps and data
  • List of purchases to make for each trade
  • Even titles in the HTML!

Contributions to the Open Source project are always welcome!

Happy trading :-)